Dominik Konečný
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Peču, smažím, vařím
Peču, smažím, vařím is a conversational game designed to encourage students with different native languages to speak.
Repeat is a sci-fi first-person platformer with parkour and puzzle elements. The mysterious head in your hands belongs to an unknown Dullahan and she has the ability to repeat space infinitely. Face to face you try to uncover the heads mystery, who she is and how she can escape the world around you. How? And when?
2021Hrdina VUT
Design and realization of a digital game for the Hrdina BUT recruitment campaign for the year 2021. The resulting game represents the point & click adventure genre, pixel art was chosen as the visual style.
This game complements the book Obložené chlebíčky(Open faced sandwiches). In the game you make your own perfect open faced sandwiches.
Hlad is an edible board game. The players need to prepare the game pieces and then during the game they eat them all. What you eat is up to you. You can bake cookies, or just use any snacks.
Is a short atmospheric experimental 3D game. You control a piece of cloth flying in the wind. Everyting the cloth covers will disappear.
2020Galerie FaVU
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Kabinet truhel - projekt se soustředí primárně na kulturní fan service bez závislosti na fyzickém prostoru. Reflektuje současné dění v Ateliéru Duchů a výsledný formát přizpůsobí aktuální situaci k datu výstavy.
20204th Tower
Martin Lacko is a specific author who can't stand comparison. The wide radius of the author's work can also illuminate the darkest corners of contemporary art and illustrations.
Peču, smažím, vařím
Peču, smažím, vařím (Bake, fry, boil) is a conversational game designed to encourage students with different native languages to speak. We developed...
Together with the Faculty of Fine Arts (FaVU VUT), we brought to life a series of interactive cabinets.
Honba za jednorožcem
Honba za jednorožcem is a small digital game created for the South Moravian Innovation Center. Players team up and navigate through the intricacies of...
Repeat restart, not a headless decision!
We have been working on Repeat for almost two years now. It all started with a promising Ludum Dare prototype and then we restarted the entire develop...
D&D – Dungeon Duchů (Dungeon of Ghosts)
Site specific installation for the festival Gamer Pie vol 4. (2021) – Kino Art (Brno) was created with the support of FFA BUT....
Demo, release and Repeat
Play Repeat Demo on Steam In this article we will cover the ongoing development of our latest digital game Repeat and the release of a Repeat...
Restart, Repeat, Release
Our collective Ateliér Duchů has participated in most Ludum Dare game jams in the past few years. In march 2021 part of our studio decided to rework a...
Sandwiches are a playful brochure in which you use stickers to create your own variations of your favorite delicacy. The project originally aimed only...
Videogame for BUT campaign 2021
In the summer of 2020, we were approached by the BUT Rectorate with a question whether we are able to create a thematic digital game for But recr...
Hlad development
Hlad is an edible board game. It is meant to be eaten. The game plan is a big printed tablecloth. The game pieces themselves is something you have...
The autumn Ludum Dare (game-jam) with serial number 47 has closed. The result is a logical digital game, a puzzle set in 3D space with a traditional c...
Hadr : Dev diary
The last couple of weeks have been exhausting, but the results are here! A new gameplay trailer here: As for informat...
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HADR je projekt, který se mnou žije už přes dva roky. Za tu dobu byl vtipným, roztomilým i pozitivním tech-demem, ve kterém se jen poletovalo s kusem...
Výstava I. - post mortem
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Dnes 17.2.2020 je výstava v Jihlavě u konce, největším překvapením (i pro nás) byla finální reprezetnace Bohdana Heblíka. Navzdory očekávanému audio-v...
Výstava I. - Jihlava, OGV / Alternativa
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Výstava Ateliér Duchů představí stejnojmennou tvůrčí skupinu studentů a studentek ateliéru Herních médií FaVU VUT v Brně. Výběr z aktuální tvorby atel...
PAF 2019
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Svébytný kanál „Hranostajl“ zahájí skrze platformu Twitch procedurálně generovaný stream myšlenkových assetů Bohdana Heblíka, vývojářského inventáře V...