
Bohdan Heblík




Repeat is a sci-fi first-person platformer with parkour and puzzle elements. The mysterious head in your hands belongs to an unknown Dullahan and she has the ability to repeat space infinitely. Face to face you try to uncover the heads mystery, who she is and how she can escape the world around you. How? And when?



Repeat restart, not a headless decision! - Image

Repeat restart, not a headless decision!

We have been working on Repeat for almost two years now. It all started with a promising Ludum Dare prototype and then we restarted the entire develop...

Demo, release and Repeat - Image

Demo, release and Repeat

Play Repeat Demo on Steam In this article we will cover the ongoing development of our latest digital game Repeat and the release of a Repeat...

Restart, Repeat, Release - Image

Restart, Repeat, Release

Our collective Ateliér Duchů has participated in most Ludum Dare game jams in the past few years. In march 2021 part of our studio decided to rework a...

Výstava I. - post mortem - Image

Výstava I. - post mortem

Dnes 17.2.2020 je výstava v Jihlavě u konce, největším překvapením (i pro nás) byla finální reprezetnace Bohdana Heblíka. Navzdory očekávanému audio-v...